Mini Content Marketing comparison of websites for


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Our algorithms collect information, determine the relevant competitors and compare how these pages perform in direct comparison in fields: search engine rankings and traffic, social media activity and reach, popularity on other websites (backlinks) and the technical aspects of the website itself (user experience and many more). The selection of competitors can be improved by any visitor at any time by clicking on them and selecting an additional one or replacing existing ones. The displayed score is made up of metrics, which we present below. It shows percentage success measurement (snapshot) compared to the competition. The higher the percentage, the better performance. This area belongs to the research work of the Internet Institute Zurich and does not guarantee the accuracy of the data. For precise evaluations, we recommend opening an account.

Submit better competitors

SEO: Number of expected visitors from the search engine

Expected volume of visitors based on the visibility in the search engine (presence on the first search results page for keywords that have significant monthly demand. Calculated thanks to public statistics on click rate). The value should not be compared with Google analytics numbers. The key figures are intended to be representative for the search engine visibility of a domain.

Social media statistics

Selected social media statistics on reach (number of followers / fans), activity (number of posts) and engagement (e.g. number of likes achieved for all posts).

This area belongs to the research work of the Internet Institute Zurich and does not guarantee the accuracy of the data. For precise evaluations, we recommend opening an account.

Twitter followers x
Twitter following (account is following) x
Twitter likes x
Instagram followers x
Instagram following (account is following) x
Youtube subscribers x
Youtube comments x
Youtube videos x

Number of referring external websites - an important source of visitors

Number of backlinks and other important metrics

Number of Referring Backlinks (Content Popularity) (day) 97,086
Number of Referring Domains (Content Popularity) (day) 2,386
Number of URLs found in the index (day) 48,085
Number of IPs that refer to domain (day) 1,942
Number of subnets that refer to domain (day) 1,655
Number of Referring .EDU und .EDU - related Domains (Content Popularity) (day) 24
Number of Backlinks from .EDU and .EDU - related Domains (Content Popularity) (day) 481
Number of governmental and .gov - related domains that refer to domain (day) 18
Number of government and .gov - related external backlinks that link to domain (day) 1,255
The exact number of educational domains that refer to domain (day) 11
Number of Backlinks from .EDU Domains (Content Popularity) (day) 52
The exact number of government domains that refer to domain (day) 6
The exact number of government links that refer to domain (day) 653
Average number of outgoing links to unique domains for that domain (day) 4
The number of outgoing links for this domain (day) 5
Average number of internal links for domain (day) 100
Link Strength of Referring Domains (Content Popularity) (day) 44
Authority of Referring Domains (Content Popularity) (day) 28
TrustMetric value for domain (day) - Majestic metric 28

Keywords research

Frequent words and word combinations of the group of chosen websites and statistics on the occurrence and monthly demand in Google. Find keywords that are often used by competitors and have demand in the search engine.

Usability scores

User Experience Performance of the main domain on various devices (100 - is the best performance) und information about website loading times.

Page title
Juniper Networks
Desktop speed score 49
Mobile speed score 33
Mobile usability score 81
Number of all page resources 124
Number of static page resources 59
Number of JS page resources 48
Number of styles (CSS) page resources 13
Total request weight 31 kb
HTML response weight 155 kb
CSS response weight 171 kb
Images response weight 99 kb
JS response weight 1214 kb

Usability - optimization suggestions

Selected advices to optimize loading times.

Avoid landing page redirects for the following chain of redirected URLs
Cache (desktop) by setting expiry date for
Cache (mobile) by setting expiry date for
Minify your CSS files (desktop) - 13.8KiB (17%) - 4.8KiB (25%) - 3.4KiB (80%)
Minify your CSS files (mobile) - 13.8KiB (17%) - 4.8KiB (25%) - 3.4KiB (80%)
Minify HTML files (desktop) - 25.5KiB (47%) - 22.9KiB (28%)
Minify HTML files (mobile) - 25.5KiB (47%) - 22.9KiB (28%)
Minify JavaScript files (desktop) - 17.4KiB (63%) - 6KiB (53%) - 5.5KiB (40%)
Minify JavaScript files (mobile) - 17.4KiB (63%) - 6KiB (53%) - 5.5KiB (40%)
Optimize image files (desktop) - 18KiB (88%) - 10.8KiB (95%) - 2.9KiB (84%)
The page content is too wide for the viewport, forcing the user to scroll horizontally. (mobile)
Some of the links/buttons on your webpage may be too small for a user to easily tap on a touchscreen. (mobile)

Summary of some information about this domain and its competition


  • Die Domain achieved a Score of 1170.

Social media

  • 0% of this group of domains has a Facebook account.
  • 0% of this group of domains has a Twitter account.
  • 0% of this group of domains has a Instagram account.
  • 0% of this group of domains has a LinkedIn account.
  • 0% of this group of domains has a Youtube account.


  • The URL occurs most frequently in the search engine results.
  • This free report has been updated for the main domain on 2019-03-23.
  • The best position ever found for the main domain was 39 and it was found the keyword :keyword.
  • The average position in the search engine rankings for the main domain is 47.
  • The main domain has a number of expected visitor coming from the search engine of 0 per month (traffic).


  • The main domain website could compress the JS file and save 633B kb (22%).
  • It would be an advantage to compress the image at the main domain: in order to 2.9KiB kb.
  • The desktop version of the main domain received an Insights value of 49 for the performance.
  • 59 CSS/JSS static elements can be found on the website of the main domain.
  • The content of the main domain website is allowed wider than viewport. This will likely require visitors to scroll horizontally.